Friday, December 16, 2011

SWM, 35, Seattle,

You ask, "Who is this guy that I get random blog updates from?" It's Haven Barnes, thanks for asking! Sorry it takes me so long to update this blog. Originally I thought I'd be much better about it, but I realize my sports blogs come first, leaving me with less desire to update my own.

High school football season has come to an end, and I feel I gained a ton of experience this year. I also met some really great contacts, and created some potentially important friendships for future upward-movement. I believe I am starting to make more of a name for myself in the officiating community, and look forward to seeing more action next year. I was recently promoted to the Varsity 2 (V2) title, which means I may have more opportunities to work higher-caliber varsity contests, and will be expected to have more responsibility on the field during the lower-level games. The final step is being promoted to V1, which opens the door to playoff games, etc.

I was waiting for the season to end to make any kind of life decisions moving forward, and I have now done that (at least for now). My ex-classmate Steve and I have rented an apartment in the Wallingford area of Seattle. The apartment is a little noisy from route 99, which runs through my bedroom, I think. However, the view from the living room and porch are pretty much unbeatable! Linus and Chili are happy and healthy in the new spot, as they have a lot more room to roam.

With it stated that I am planning to stay in Seattle for now, I will also say that I am continuing to look for jobs out of the area, as well as locally. The three questions in life, since graduation in June, have been "where am I going to be?", "what am I going to do?", and "who am I going to be with?". One of those questions has been answered for the time being. I'm rarely resolved in anything I do, so asking me to say that is a lot, but I feel good about where I am right now. The second and third questions are to be determined!

During the holidays I am planning to drive back to Colorado and sort, consolidate, and eliminate all of my belongings. I have not set an exact timetable, but it looks like I'll drive through Christmas eve and Christmas day, arriving in Colorado shortly thereafter. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to see many of my friends, and wish a "goodbye for now". Upon my departure, the Manitou house will be ready to rent (which is being taken care of by my property management company). I contemplated selling the property, but have decided to wait until the market returns a bit, or I have a new property I'd like to call home.

I hope everyone, or should I say "both of you", have a great holiday season. Stay warm, stay healthy, and know that I am thinking of you!

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