Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Sun Returns

The weather reports tells us that rain is in the forecast nearly every day (probably the safe route for a weatherperson), but we've seen a fair amount of sun over the past five days here in Seattle. This past weekend it was in the high-60's with loads of bright light everywhere. I was explaining to people that is was this really hot ball of fire that sits only three planets away from Earth. I was informing them that it can be quite warm, and even burn you if you're not careful. They sat around me with eyes full of wonderment and excitement. This was a whole new world for them, and it was an amazing opportunity to enlighten people about the universe.

On a more serious note, I'm glad spring is in full bloom and am looking forward to more warm weather soon. I would have to say it has been quite the abrupt contrast between the Colorado's 200+ sunny days per year and Seattle's 70. However, it was a very gentle winter here in the Pacific Northwest and is a great place for people that like winters boasting an average temperature of around 50F. In addition, if you can wait out the rainy winter, the summer only averages about 1 inch of rain per month, which is quite low.

School.... ah has been going well. Had a very good quarter in the winter, although heavy on the work-load. The program has set us up nicely in the sense that the final quarter only requires one course, plus finishing up internships. The final course is an ethics class taught by the FAR (Faculty Athletic Representative) at Washington. He has a very interesting and deep perspective on the how the academic realm of colleges can work together with the athletic side. It fits in nicely with the internship I'm currently working at Seattle University. I am helping JoAnn Hulbert-Eagan with Student-Athlete Academic Services. I have been monitoring study hall sessions, tutoring several student-athletes, and will hopefully be writing a summer writing program for at-risk student-athletes. There are several more things we have talked about accomplishing over the next 7 weeks, but much of it would be quite boring for you all.

I will be graduating on the 18th of June here at UW. In attendance will be my friend, Jessica, and of course Autumn, my mother, father, and grandmother. We are planning to have a few extra days to kick around in Seattle before and after the festivities as well. The night before graduation, the current grad class, in conjunction with several alumni, is going to meet up with the incoming class (as their day 1 is our day 365) and begin some networking/orientating. We will be the first class to do so, and I think it is a wonderful idea.

Recently I made a two-day trip to Colorado, for a short and sweet mission to rescue my homeless cat, Chili. I was dreading the trip as I know that he is not a man of adversity. He has quite a voice and I had to mentally prepare myself for the hatred that would be displayed to me by my fellow traveler. Luckily, I went to the vet when I got the CO and he said that not only was he healthy as can be (great for a 10-year old), but that he could prescribe a relaxant for Chili to take on the plane. It worked like a charm as he was silent from the moment we arrived in the airport until Autumn met me at the curbside in Seattle. Shocking! He is here with us now, happy and healthy, even if he is an illegal housemate according to our apartment complex. "From my cold, dead hands".

From the plane to CO Chili in the carrier

Autumn and I have been trying to do some more fun things in the Pacific Northwest before our plans are unknown, beginning at the end of August. So, we have been buying Groupons (if you don't know what they are go to and trying new things. Two weeks ago we went to Oceanside, OR and stayed on the coast in a sweet little rental. The weather didn't much cooperate, but the surroundings were amazing anyway. I ended up doing an unintentional 17-mile run around the peninsula we were staying on, so that gave me an opportunity to check it ALL out! By unintentional I mean that I was 10 miles in when I realized that the fastest way back was 7 miles, instead of the anticipated 3-4.

In addition to a Rise Against concert, last weekend we had a Groupon for whale watching out of Everett, WA. It was a 2-3 hour boat trip in which we saw two gray whales, several sea lions, and most amazingly, five bald eagles scrapping and scratching over one piece of fish. In my lifetime I've only seen three bald eagles in total. In this 15-minute period I saw five of them flying over our heads.... amazing! (Photos of the above adventure can be seen on my facebook page)

Coming up we have a trip to Colorado planned, as well as playing paintball, running a half marathon (Autumn running and me supporting), and family visiting us here in Seattle. After graduation we have a planned drive through some of the western states and ultimately end up in Colorado to do some work on my house, visit with friends/dad, and then continuing on with figuring out my life's plan!

Linus has been doing very well these days. He has the occasional health issue (ear infection, bruise that bubbled into a huge mass, lost a dew claw, stung/bitten by something with corresponding allergic reaction, and an eyelid that became infected), but other than that he is happy as a clam in the apartment, at the dog park, on runs, and in the car.

I am running regularly and have been hovering between 30-40 miles per week. I have a plan to run a trail series that starts with a 5-miler and works it way up to a 13-mile finale. I'm unsure about the competition in these races, but I can assure you that they will hurt either way! We are also signed up for a 3.5 mile "Warrior Dash" that involves mud and other obstacles. That not being enough apparently, I had to also sign up (with some CO friends) for the 10-mile version of that in Colorado called the "Tough Mudder". Should suck.

I'm going to try to keep this rolling more often, and I apologize for such long durations between each of these. The only problem with updating more often is that if I'm looking for interesting material, it might end up on religion and politics... and no one wants to hear my thoughts on that! :-)

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